Monday, November 6, 2017

Harvey Weinstein; Astrology exposes a wolf in sheeps clothing

Harvey Weinstein - Although born March 19, 1952, while the sun traveled in Pisces, Harvey Weinstein’s chart represents a personality that doesn’t express characteristics of his sun sign.  Other than Pisces being the sign of fantasy and representing the film industry, Harvey Weinstein’s chart suggests intensely aggressive, emotionally volatile, potentially violent personality. 

Mercury-Jupiter in fiery, combative, arrogant Aries and Moon in cold Capricorn opposing Uranus describes out-of-control temper tantrums. Add to that a Mars in passionate Scorpio forming a hard aspect to Pluto, potential for violence, strong-willed, hard driven, need to control and conquer at all costs.
Harvey Weinstein's Astrological Chart
Transiting Uranus triggers unpleasant surprises, reversals for Harvey next year.  In addition, transiting Pluto will form hard aspects to his Mercury-Jupiter and Neptune in the next 3 years, promising payback, a period when Harvey will realize his worst nightmares.  Karma is a b——-