Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Simone Biles: the chart of a Champion

2019 World Championships, Simone Biles is the gymnast with the most World medals (25) and most World gold medals (19) of any gender, as well as the female gymnast with the most World all-around titles (5).  Born March 14, 1997 Simone is a perfectly positive example of the sign Pisces.

In addition, her chart reflects a great emphasis on mutable (adaptable, flexible, go with the flow),  planets (7 out of 10).  Her Mars is retrograde in Virgo opposing her Mercury, sun, Venus stellium in Pisces along with the nodes of the moon.  Her moon is in Gemini opposing Pluto, reflecting a difficult early life, family situation.

Simone channels her energies on the most positive level.  Her chart reflects a hyperactive person, very sensitive, fragile, easily annoyed, upset.

Instead, she focuses on her career and exceeds all expectations.  At this time moving planets are forming positive aspects to planets in her chart.  I expect her to continue winning and to be an inspiration to all.

AgĂȘncia Brasil FotografiasSimone Biles at the 2016 Olympics all-around gold medal podium (28262782114) croppedCC BY 2.0