Monday, December 9, 2019

Will Uranus be the "hand grenade" in Rudy Giuliani's astrological chart?

John Bolton Reportedly Called Rudy Giuliani a hand grenade; "Giuliani is a hand grenade who's going to blow everybody up.”
Rudy Giuliani’s astrological chart, May 28, 1944, describes a man who is 100% unreserved, extrovert, the loudest voice in the room.

His Gemini sun is conjoined Uranus within a degree.  Therefore, the Uranian energy dominates, i.e., shock and awe.  Mars (energy, motivation) closely conjoins Pluto in attention-seeking Leo adds up to a ruthless, ‘will stop at nothing’ to win.  His moon is also in dramatic Leo closely aligned to Jupiter, tending to exaggerate and overdramatize feelings and emotions.

His Mercury (mind, communication) is in Taurus; however, it is un-aspected by planets, meaning, it does not integrate with any other planet in his chart.  This un-aspected Mercury is considered to be a ‘wild horse’ in the chart, totally free and left to its own devices, so that it may unleash its full power without any limitation.

His astrological chart lacks the water element, meaning he is insensitive and has no empathy or compassion for others.  Life is all about Rudy.

In 2020 the moving planet Uranus will trigger its version of ‘shock and awe’, when it forms hard aspects to Rudy’s aggressive Mars-Pluto in Leo.  Payback time.  This is an indicator that Rudy will be dealing with setbacks, unexpected upheaval throughout the year.  After that, 2021 will trigger a new round of astrological challenges for Rudy with Saturn moving into Aquarius to oppose Mars and Pluto.

DonkeyHotey  This caricature of Rudy Giuliani was adapted from a Creative Commons licensed   photo from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream(CC BY-SA 2.0)