Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Joe Rogan's astrological chart is a good example of freewill over destiny

Joe Rogan, an American stand-up comedian, mixed martial arts color commentator, podcast host, and former actor and television host has recently reported he has 5.7 million followers on Twitter and says his podcast gets close to 200 million downloads a month (including YouTube views).

Joe was born August 11, 1967 with a Leo sun conjoining Jupiter describes a ‘larger than life’ personality.  Boisterous, outgoing, uninhibited, charismatic. Both form a solid 120-degree aspect to Saturn, pointing to a focused, disciplined, ambitious man. His communication planet Mercury also stands in bold, confident Leo.  His Mars in Scorpio accounts for his interest in martial arts, and his abilities.  Leo sun with a Mars (the warrior) in Scorpio is powerful, formidable, inexhaustible; a perfect outlet.  (Bruce Lee also was born with a Mars in Scorpio.)

Interesting, however, because the astrological chart will always reveal the underlying motivation that drives a person to succeed.  In Joe’s chart it’s a retrograde Venus in Virgo.  No doubt he has had to overcome a hypercritical, insecure self-image.  Way too hard on himself, particularly in teenage years, when Venus (planet that represents power of attraction, social interaction) dominates. The discovery and practice of martial arts helped him to resolve his self-confidence issues, and allowed him to channel his aggression on a positive level.
Joe Rogan's astrological chart
As I have pointed out in previous postings, there’s no good or bad, positive or negative sign or planet in astrology.  It’s all about how you use it.  An astrological chart shows potential of an individual.  Ultimately, we have free will.

Joe recalls being "terrified of being a loser" as a child.  Martial arts were "the first thing that ever gave me hope that I wasn't going to be a loser. So I really, really gravitated toward it”.

With this powerhouse chart of potent planets, there is no question Joe could have been a liability to society instead of a major asset and inspiration to many.  

Upcoming planetary influences point to continued success in the next decade.