Thursday, March 12, 2020

Looking Back At Future Astrological Predictions

Referring to past newsletter reports, I cannot express 2020’s aspects any better than this: DEC 2017-JAN2018 AstroDynamics

“Where do I begin this month? What a perfect storm of rolling catastrophes, with a manic president wreaking havoc from the WH, unprecedented natural disasters, two worst ever mass shootings (Las Vegas, and the Texas church shooting) and now the lid is off sexual harassment and abuse.  But my astrologer mind keeps wondering this is all Plutonian influence, and Pluto has not begun to hit the US chart yet!! What will happen when Pluto comes in full force, which will not be until the years 2020-2023?  Granted, we are experiencing the effect of Uranus—shock, surprise, sudden unexpected.  In a recent issue I did note that if USA chart were an individual’s, I would predict a nervous breakdown.  At this time in history we are witnessing the end of an era. In addition to the Pluto return, the USA chart will be dealing with a Pluto opposition to its Mercury in Cancer 2020-2023.  This is a devastating aspect to live through.

And then Dec2018-JAN 2019 AstroDynamics 

Pluto, the planet of death and transformation, forces a total breakdown in the individual, country, etc.  Mercury rules the mind, health, communications.  This aspect in most disturbing when the leader of the country is already unstable, unpredictable.  And in addition, I have pointed out his chart is affected by Pluto-Saturn transits to his ‘achilles heel’ aspect, Venus-Saturn, being the most challenging time in his life. If he is still president in 2020, an election year, he will be desperate to remain in power and is capable of anything.  Viewing the upcoming transits to the USA chart it’s scary to think of the possibilities.

Saturn and Pluto move toward this Mercury-Pluto opposition in 2019, but are not  exact until 2020-2023.

Another aspect to the US chart that is extremely disturbing is that transiting Neptune will form a hard 90-degree aspect to US Mars.  This is the aspect that’s holding up Robert Mueller’s investigation.  Neptune has been opposing his Mercury and is now exactly opposing his Mars.  It’s a time in life when you can be extremely vulnerable and powerless.  It is one of the most difficult aspects in life, because Neptune masks, hides the danger, and you usually don’t realize what’s really going on until it’s too late to avoid disaster.

Currently April-May2020 Neptune transit is loud and clear as I am writing mid-March2020.  Neptune creeps up on you, definitely describes COVID-19.  Neptune transits are scarier than Pluto because you don’t get a clue until it’s too late.  Also US chart is affected by Neptune to Mars, and Pluto to Mercury.  Both Neptune to Mars and Pluto to Mercury are moving in to orb as I write this mid-March 2020.  (In addition, NY Stock Exchange (may 17, 1792) also affected by transiting Neptune forming a hard aspect to Mars,18-Virgo.) Currently all large gatherings, many schools, church services, etc. are being cancelled until the end of March.  However, Mars will be extremely active between March20-April 10, when we will find out what we are dealing with.  Also Saturn moves into Aquarius and aligns with Mars in this period.  Note that Saturn keywords are ‘restriction, isolation’ and Aquarius represents groups of people.

What happened to Bernie’s campaign?  yes, he’s been dealing with hard aspects from Pluto to his Aries moon, Mars and Libra Venus.  However, Neptune has moved in to oppose his Sun in Virgo and Jupiter in Gemini.  Sun represents life force and Jupiter represents growth, gain, success—both are under fire by Neptune.  Joe Biden did have slightly better aspects than any of the other contenders with the positive transits to his Scorpio planets.  However, I pray for his safety and good health, (for both actually).  He has a rough road ahead with hard Mars and Uranus to his moon and Pluto.

The White House from Washington, DC, Robert Mueller, 2012, marked as public domain, more details on Wikimedia Commons

"Bernie Sanders" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Gage Skidmore

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