Monday, April 20, 2020

Stephen Marley Is A Taurus Influenced By Gemini

Born April 20, 1972, Stephen Marley's life has been easier in some ways, and more difficult in others. A life where everything is handed to you, but also one where unreasonable expectations are assumed of you. The weight of it all could stifle one's creativity, but as a six time Grammy award winner in several different categories, he has had no problem shining among a family of stars. Not merely as a solo artist, but as a producer, songwriter, musician, and collaborator on many projects, Stephen has taken a multi-dimensional approach to the music business.
Stephen Marley's Astrological Chart
Although born under the sun sign Taurus, Stephen Marley’s chart is heavily influenced by the sign Gemini.  Taurus is generally stable, fixed, stubborn, slow and steady.  Instead, we see a man who is inquisitive, versatile, and adaptable. It allows him to multiply and diversify his creative energy. In so doing, he has achieved his own success, and earned the respect of reggae fans worldwide. There's an impulsive, restless nature about him that keeps him moving with new ideas. Blessed with a relatively easy chart, Stephen has chosen to take the high road in life with a positive, carefree attitude. This lightness of being has kept the creativity flowing, and has been the key to his success.

David Koppe from Kyoto, Japan, Stephen Marley (Vancouver 2007)CC BY-SA 2.0