Monday, October 5, 2020

Libra And Neptune Brought Out The Best In Delroy Wilson's Chart

Born October 5, 1948, Delroy Wilson was one of the most memorable vocalists to come out of Jamaica. His music is classic, timeless and expresses the love that all Jamaicans have for their music. Songs like "I Am Not A King,” "Dancing Mood” and "Trying To Conquer Me" were but a few of the many great hits he recorded for Coxsone Dodds Studio One label.
He was a prolific artist who went on to work with many producers, recording a wide range of Jamaican albums throughout his life. One of the qualities that made him so great was soul. He didn't just sing the music, he felt it from within. Whether it was reggae, rocksteady, ska or cover songs, Delroy put all of his feelings and emotions into his work because he loved and lived the music.
Delroy Wilson's Astrological Chart
On the day Delroy Wilson was born the planet Neptune was exactly conjoined the sun, at the twelfth degree of the sign Libra. That means the energies of the sun and Neptune blended together completely. This describes a man who was extremely sensitive, impressionable, idealistic, imaginative. Neptune is a mystical planet, highly creative and deeply feeling. The dilemma of this combination, however, is that there is a tendency or temptation to escape the harsh realities of the world. On a positive level, his escape was his music. It’s as though Delroy entered another dimension of reality when he sang. And so long time ago Delroy Wilson conquered our hearts with his ethereal sound and golden touch.